Monday, January 3, 2011

New Update on MCPOTD site...

I've opened a Wordpress account under a very similar name.  Somebody already grabbed   go figure (bastards)...  so I grabbed

It's up but don't go there expecting anything special.  It's totally raw at the moment and I've only grabbed it as a backup in case I get dropped by blogger.  If they don't drop me I'll own the dot com name and I'll probably eventually switch over to it when I have time to do some more research as to how to better modify it.  So far it's ok(ish) but it's a pain in the arse for me since I currently do all of my storage over on google picassa and email on google and blogging on blogger (which is owned by google) etc etc..  So right now it's all tied together (which is smart on their part) and free (which is great for me)

So with Wordpress I'm not linked in to any of the Google stuff and probably won't be able to carry over all the historic posts and cross-links to photo's I already have stored..   Which sucks royally...

I have to admit.... It is pretty slick looking though
I'm swamped now so time will tell.

Opinions and advice all greatly appreciated so keep it coming!

Please stay tuned.

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