The good people at Gizmodo have some SUPER SECRET EXCITING NEWS they're going to reveal next week, and it involves getting ex-Jalopnik contributor and frequent man-about-Gawker Media Joel Johnson to Austin, Texas for SXSW. When Joel told us about this our first thought was that this was a great opportunity to do a road trip to test out Kinja's ability to post stories from a smartphone.
Our second thought was let's get some ridiculously awesome cars. We dialed up SRT and they promised us a Stryker Red Viper GTS and a new Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT. That's eight wheels, 18 cylinders, and over 1,100 horsepower of pure American power.
From Jalopnik you'll have me, your faithful editor, and Miata-fanboy Travis Okulski. From Gizmodo we'll have Joel "I Can Fit In A BRZ" Johnson and Christopher "Special Projects Ninja" Mascari. Look for a few other special people to show up along the way.

The trip will begin in D.C. next week on Tuesday, March 5th where, we think, there will be a party but no cars. Stay tuned.
On March 6th we'll pick up the beasts and haul ass south towards Atlanta, Georgia for an evening of beer and baked potato pizza at Partner's II Pizza - Peachtree where we'll be joined by none other than former Partner's Pizza waiter Rutledge Wood. The party should start around 8:00 PM and finish when we finally pass out from exhaustion and carbs.
The next day we cross the Gulf Coast to Houston, Texas for another meetup at The Cellar Bar near Greenway Plaza. Look for us to roll in around 8:00 PM (CST).
Finally, we arrive on March 8th in lovely Austin for the start of SXSW. Details on another meetup to come.
You can track us throughout the trip by following Jalopnik and Gizmodo, where we'll be posting numerous updates about the journey, the challenges we're planning along the way, and the readers we meet.
Any advice for our trip? Places we should stop? Drop us a note below.
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