Monday, April 30, 2012

Learning from an unexpected source

In watching Ken Burns PBS documentary on prohibition, I was struck by how this constitutional amendment was passed by the work of a small dedicated group of activists.  I don't recall the exact percentage, but I believe it was less than 20% of the U.S. population that took on the powerful brewers and distillers, and all the people who were drinkers.  Truly an amazing feat!

My grandmother, a stern Iowa farmer right out of American Gothic, was one of those prohibitionists; she only voted based on whether a candidate favored legalization of drinking.

As much as prohibition was a disaster--just as prohibition against marijuana is today--I have to admire the political achievement of this group of activists, and think it has something to teach us.  If 98% of climate scientists are correct that global warming will make the planet unlivable within 100 years, then we need to be just as dedicated as my grandmother and the prohibitionists were in stopping this real evil. 

We have to go after fossil fuels with the same fervor and in the same single-minded way they went after alcohol.  Defeating Mitt Romney with his $200 million from the Koch brothers is just a start.

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