Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Will.I.Am Says He Builds His Custom Cars To 'Teach Kids Science'

Last week we saw Will.I.Am's custom 1958 VW Beetle that supposedly cost $900,000 to build over the course of four years. Why does he do it? To "teach kids science." Yes, science.

In an interview with TMZ, William explained his motivation for building his custom rides, beyond his own love of cars:

I build the cars for a project that I'm doing in inner cities, where I round up a whole bunch of people that are qualified to teach kids science, technology, engineering and mathematics. And through the course, they build vehicles. So I have to build the vehicles that can be used in the tutorial.

That sounds like a great project. Last week people that know Will told me he is the nicest guy around and that he spends a lot of time giving back to the community. Seems like they weren't exaggerating. Will has also been talking about science, tech, engineering, and math (STEM), for years, so this project is clearly close to his heart.

I definitely don't agree with his taste in cars, but I can't really fault using his fame and fortune to give back and help teach kids that might not otherwise have the means to get good hands-on experience.

He might be a bit strange and come off as aloof in interviews, but it seems like the money that came from My Humps might actually be doing some real good in the world. Good for him.


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