Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Chevrolet Supporting Gay Marriage?

Some may have never thought that they would live to see the day that an auto maker would take a stance on gay marriage.  However Chevrolet's latest ads seem that it supports gay marriage through its silly yet very straight forward ad, as seen below.  Controversial? Perhaps.  Good marketing? Definitely.  This is the first time that any auto manufacturer has taken a stance on gay marriage and whether or not this was specifically intended  to target LGBT groups or not it will definitely have a lasting effect.  Sure there will be some individuals that may not agree with Chevrolet and GM with their stance, I do believe that this has the potential to be a real advantage.  People are already starting to comment on this around the internet, some of the posts I have seen are "I hate Chevys, but after seeing this I want to buy one now."  Only time will tell how this will all play out.

Chevrolet's new add targeting LGBT groups by supporting gay marriage

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