Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Posting warnings on gas pumps

Resolution from the John George Democratic Club on the need to provide warnings about gasoline and its relation to climate change
WHEREAS,  Carbon dioxide, (CO2) is a greenhouse gas and is a major component of the disastrous climate change now taking place around the world, and
WHEREAS, burning gasoline for autos is responsible for about 20% of all CO2 released into the atmosphere, and
WHEREAS, alternatives to cars such as public transit, bicycles, and electric cars powered by renewable energy, are all available, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the John George Democratic Club urges all cities in California, as well as the State of California, to adopt legislation requiring gas stations to post a warning on their pumps reading,
"WARNING:  Burning gasoline increases the risk of serious climate change.  The City of _______ urges you to economize on the use of gas and seek alternatives such as public transit, bicycles, and electric cars."
And be it further
RESOLVED, that gas stations failing to comply with this requirement be required to pay fines sufficient to cover the cost of inspections and enforcement of the legislation, as well as to promote alternatives to internal combustion engine vehicles.
Notes:  1. Alternate wording of warning:
"WARNING:  Burning gasoline adds greenhouse gases to the air, increasing the risk of serious climate change.  The City of ______ urges you to economize on the use of gasoline and seek alternatives such as public transit, bicycles, and electric cars powered by renewable energy."
2.  Possible design of warning
"WARNING:  Burning Gasoline Increases The Risk Of Serious Climate Change.  The City Of _______ Urges You To Economize On The Use Of Gas And Seek Alternatives Such As Public Transit, Bicycles, And Electric Cars."
 Approved by the John George Democratic Club, October 1, 2011                                                               

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