Saturday, January 21, 2012

Why are you taping my wife?

When we get asked "Why are you taping my wife" its usually related to some late evening encounter on the downs in our van, but here we see it on the streets of Bath in broad daylight. Its long, but funny to listen to.

We particularly like the bit in the conversation where she threatens to report him to the police for assault:
'I'm going to say you were assaulting me!'
'Fine, I've been filming the whole thing'
'I don't care!'
If there's a moral here, don't get upset that someone films you in public. Getting upset just makes it funnier when the video goes online, and more people see it.

24/jan/2012 update; the video has been made private.  Sorry.

Update 2: It's back.... and here:

and there's a soundtrack, here...

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