Fully PaveParked up on the textured dropped kerb on the corner of Aberdeen's Balmoral Place and Broomhill Road we were particularly drawn to this PaveParker's use of his hazards, or 'exempts' as they have come to be known.
Yes, this altruistic PaveParker is very much safety conscious - acting as a big obvious safety barrier for poor pestestrians. Making them stop, think carefully, plan their route and take great care as they go round the big blue van. Like one of those chicanes or sleeping policemen, but for pestestrians. Slows 'em down. Makes 'em think.
As we all know, going outside is a special activity, requiring special planning. WVM V482DSE also confirms what we already know: it's dangerous - pestestrians had betterwatchout! The subtle subliminal message is - don't walk about! It's far to dangerous and challenging! If you can't afford a nice car - you can always get a second-hand van!
And the flashing 'exempts' warn blind people of this too.
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