Thursday, January 13, 2011

Response to questions about buying gas

Rose Ibanez ‎ main question - did you have to buy any gas? ....sounds like a cool deal and environmentally correct!
Vince Calcagno pardon my you have to plug in along the way...or does it make it to SD on one charge.....I am so interested in this!
Imelda Lucero-Mendoza hehehe...funny coincidence, Vince! I was gonna ask the same thing. pardon my ignorance as well... I was wondering how long will it run in one charging. What happens when you are in the middle of the hi-way and it runs out of charge? Just being curious :)
Yes, this is the main question that comes up.  Sam wondered if I had an extension cord that ran all the way back to Oakland!  So the answer is that the Volt can operate just like an ordinary car once the batteries run down to about 20% charge.  At that point the gas engine starts to run a generator that keeps the batteries charged so the electric motor keeps running.  It's not the same as a Prius hybrid motor that has both an electric motor and a gasoline motor that power the car.  The Volt is an "extended range hybrid" where the gasoline motor acts to extend the range of the batteries, but the car is always being powered by the electric motor.

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