Monday, January 17, 2011

Please Don't Ride Your Damn Bike on the Street

Fellow travellers over at Like us, these guys understand that more cars on more roads is the only way to enhance business productivity and overcome current economic problems, and that cyclists are, dog-in-a-manger-like, the major barrier to the achievement of this aim.

Sign their "No Bikes" Pledge:

Each of us can play a part in helping address dooring and other problems associated with the use of public streets by bicycles. Show your support by taking the "No Bikes" pledge:
As a bicyclist, I pledge to stop riding my damn bike on the street.
As a motorist, I pledge to drive my car on public streets and not on dedicated bicycle tracks. I will offer rides to my cyclist friends to make it easier for them to kick the bicycle habit.
As a citizen, I pledge to educate my friends who own bicycles about the pernicious effects of bicycle riding, and I will encourage them to avoid contributing to the dooring problem by walking or using public transportation instead.

Splendid. Let's all get behind and their beautiful vision for our cities!

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