Sunday, April 1, 2012

#30DaysofBiking: Around the Lake on an Allant

Today is the beginning of April and the first day of the #30DaysofBiking and Blogging From A to Z Challenge. Some challenges are easier than others and some times you get lucky. It's raining as I type this but I just got back from a lovely ride.

Today's letter is "A" and my bike is an Allant. Christine tells me that "Allant" is basically French for "To Go" and indeed our Allants are good at going. But the musical definition of Allant that I found here really strikes a note (so to speak!) with me. It defines Allant as:

The French musical command allant is an indication to play in a casual, relaxed tempo; faster than à l’aise, but slower than modéré.

That would be a good definition of today's ride: play in a casual, relaxed tempo.

The wind was strong from the south when I left a bit after 7:00 this morning, with a good threat of rain in both the sky and the forecast. I rode north along the western shore of Lake Sammamish, dawdling now and then to take pictures of light and flowers and bits of green.

At the north end of the lake the thing that almost never happens happened. The wind died down and the skies cleared a bit. The light on the lake at Idlewood Beach was warm and wonderful. My route down the east side of Lake Sammamish was detoured by road construction so I got to climb up Northrup Way and 8th Street and verify that yes, the low gears on my Allant work just fine. Back in Issaquah I stopped at Trader Joe's for groceries and important things like chocolate.

And now I'm back home. If I tally the day's miles it's probably about 25. The rain just stopped again and I'm working this afternoon at a job I enjoy, selling bikes to people and keeping bikes rolling down the roads and trails. As days go, I'm perfectly happy to give this one an "A".

Keep 'em rolling,

Kent "Mountain Turtle" Peterson
Issaquah WA USA

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