Saturday, January 8, 2011

Telefonica beauty courtesy of Mike "Stu" Stuhler of the must visit Stusshots!

After all the drama with the other blog I'm just now catching up on a lot of great contributions. Mike sent me this a long while back and I almost missed this one in the e-mail fog.  Thank You Mike for the reminder.    Oh and fer cryin out loud make sure to visit him often.  The historic stuff over there is fantastic!

Mike Writes in:
Just came across these shots I took at Mid Ohio back in '05 that I thought you might enjoy as well. The last of the 2 stroke 500's, this was the RGV500 follow-up to KRJR's championship winning mount from the 2000 season.  Unfortunately, this one didn't fair nearly as well with only 1-3rd place podium on the year, 4 dnf's and a final placing of 11th in the championship.  But this doesn't take away from the stunning beauty of this piece,the last year of the 500's before the diesels were ushered in (not that there is anything wrong with the diesels, just not the stunning gp sound as what the 2 stroke era gave us in close to 30 years of top-notch competition.) Suzuki had a traveling 'road show' for the 2005 season that of course included their street and dirt bike line-up, and as a thrown in bonus as I would call it, this stunning piece of racing history on display outside the display tents.  I waited about 15-20 minutes for all of the other people around to clear away (and stop their drooling)
so I could get a couple of clear/clean shots of this $1M+ beauty.  It may not have performed well on the track but the visuals were top notch.  Let alone the craftsmanship put into this 'blue wonder.' You being THE 2 stroke guy, I thought you might enjoy! As always, your stuff looks great and I enjoy my 2-3 trips/day to your sites to keep up with the goodies. Enjoy and keep up the killer work!  And go two smokes!  HA!

God that's nice. Oh what I'd give for a few laps on that...

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