Friday, November 11, 2011

Pressure pays off

To paraphrase Isaac Newton:  "Nothing moves unless a force is applied to it".  So the decision by the State Department to consider alternative routes for the Keystone XL Pipeline has to be seen as a consequence of thousands of people circling the White House on November 6, and the continuing activism of the anti-pipeline movement.  It's not exactly a victory, but it does show that pressure can force some movement.  I think it is clear that President Obama does not want to antagonize his environmentalist supporters before the election. 

The real goal has to be not just to have some "safer" route for the pipeline, but to not build any pipeline at all.  As leading climate scientist James Hansen has said, "Policy makers need to understand that these unconventional fossil fuels, which are as dirty and polluting as coal, must be left in the ground if we wish future generations to have a liveable planet."

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